About Me

I'm a devoted fly fisherman that had the opportunity to grow up a half hour from some of the most sought after streams in the Catskills.  My love for fly fishing and affinity for the outdoors seemed to go hand in hand.  When I started tying my own flies, I began to truly appreciate to craft and what one could do with all natural materials.  I've always been a fan of woodworking and decided to hone my skills to create some truly individual items.

When looking for boutonnieres for my wedding, I knew that I wanted something unique that would last forever.  With flowers out of the equation, I decided to try and craft my own, starting with none other than my own fly tying bench.  I received plenty of compliments that day, and that same boutonniere still sits on my desk as a reminder of that day.

This blog is a way for me to share with others all of the things that I truly enjoy.  Tight lines.
